My friend later went on to becoming a mother of three beautiful children whom she cherishes to all end. She works very hard for her children providing them with all the love and support she wished she had as a child. She also provides care and mentors other young mothers who feel they can not make through the challenges of being a mother. My friend overcame all the chaos in her life to become a small business owner and is now working on her Masters at Walden University.
Poverty in Africa
Over 25 million people who live in Africa are facing one of the worse cases pf poverty and the deadly HIV/AIDS disease. Many children are orphaned throughout Africa due to their parents losing their battle to this disease. Many children are diagnosed HIV positive at birth. This is so sad because they are not given a fighting from the start. There is a high chance that they won't make it to see their 5th birthday. Most cases of poverty and diseases exists in towns of Africa that have limited access to hospitals and clinics. They do not have access to clean water and this creates water related diseases such as cholera and infant diarrhea. Poverty causes malnutrition and diseases and therefore people of Africa have the constant struggle to survive