Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Personal Research Journey

The topic I chose to research is Childhood Obesity and what causes it. In today's society there is a tremendous amount of young children overweight for their age. The contributors to this problem is a combination of not eating enough healthy foods and not being active on a daily basis. Many parents are either too busy with work or other issues to make sure their child/ren is eating properly, so they frequent the local fast food restaurants or allowing them to eat junk. This epidemic is causing great risks for the children of our future. The reason I chose this topic because I have worked with so many children whose parents do not have a clue of what a healthy meal is and how beneficial it is for their child. I hope that through my research I will be able to gather enough valuable information to utilize in my own childcare and be able to pass this information on to other parents, teachers, and colleagues. Please feel free to add any information you might have on the subject of childhood obesity, I would definitely appreciate it.


  1. Carla,
    I will be curious to follow your research journey on childhood obesity. It is such a difficult thing to address because there are so many contributors. Junk food is cheap AND easy so it hits both higher and lower socio-economic levels. There is a great book by Richard Louv "Last Child in the Woods" that talks about the impact of nature-deprivation and obesity is one of those things. The book is research based so it may be a good place to check out the bibliography for resources.
    Good luck!
